There are a lot of myths about health and healthcare. To mention a few:
"My GP takes a proactive stance in relation to my health"
Doctors say they do not have time, and they treat from the point you are already sick
"My healthcare provider have all relevant insight into my health information"
Doctors do not have insight across different hospital departments, different GP's, acute care - and this is about liberating health data from silos
"Data about my health is used proactively"
User expectations of precision treatment and precision medicine, the reuse of medicine
"I can bring my health data and health history with me, across boarders"
Due to GDPR and other security challenges, this is currently not possible
"I am sure I use my medications right"
50% use their medicines wrong
"I am capable of remembering the doctors advice"
60% of people forget what the doctor has said after 20 minutes
HealthB is created to redefine how we think about health, from reactive to proactive healthcare, to help make the aforementioned myths (and others) actually true!
Here we summarised some articles about the current healthcare crisis and the need for HealthB:​
DM - Starter storstilt journalprosjekt 11.10.2022
OUS researchers aim for the whole of Europe to use a new digital medical record solution for cancer patients with the patient in focus in a few years. Over six million euros (more than NOK 60 million) has been awarded to the new Norwegian-led project "MyPath" in support from the EU's Horizon Europe programme. The money will be used to create a new record solution that puts the patient at the centre. The ambition is for the solution to be in use throughout Europe within five years. The new IT solution will be based on data collected from the patients about how they feel physically, mentally and socially. Based on this information, treating health personnel at the hospital will receive a separate plan, with advice on further treatment in line with current guidelines.
We are excited to follow this project and if/how the voice of the patient will be included in this project (i.e. how much space there is for the individual to report their own information and decide on what they'd like to share with personnel or not).
"One citizen - one medical record" has been a vision in the health sector since Jonas Gahr Støre presented the Storting report with the same name in 2012. Now the entire billion-dollar project is being scrapped by the Minister of Health, Ingvild Kjerkol. "In the health service, there are many different systems that do not talk to each other. Thus, the risk has been high for years that you will have to retell your medical history if you end up at the emergency room in another municipality. Furthermore, it is far from certain that the information you leave at the emergency room will be taken to the hospital if you are admitted there."
And that is exactly why we have developed HealthB!
VG - Statsbudsjettet: 690 millioner til fastlegeordningen 05.10.2022
What consequences does the GP scheme have in practice? More payment for GP's, but are one of the consequences that they reduce the number of patients so that fewer patients receive help? And not a word about the use of technology or new work processes to increase capacity? The aim is said to be more money and better everyday life for the doctor, but does it also mean success for the patients who do not get help? It still seems like a large demand for private healthcare providers. And how should the patient's gender or age determine how much money/time the doctor gets for the consultation?
DM - Nye råd om legemiddelbehandling 03.10.2022
The Norwegian Directorate of Health has come up with national professional advice for drug approval and drug review for both primary and specialist healthcare. Every fifth admission to the emergency department can be linked to drug use, and errors in drug treatment are among the high-risk areas when it comes to patient injuries. The risk is particularly high for chronic patients, the elderly and those with multiple illnesses who use many medicines at the same time. An app such as HealthB, can help prevent this when combining the information from the medicines list together with notes to form a treatment plan in co-creation with the patient. This way both the doctor and patient feel in control and can work towards optimal individual care!
DM - Pasienter på ubesatte fastlegelister far ikke kommunisert digitalt med legekontor 21.09.2022
Patients who are on a GP-list without a designated GP available can't communicate digitally with their doctor's office, can't use Helsenorge to send messages, renew prescriptions, or plan e-consultations. Without a designated care provider, one doens't receive reminders about doctor's appointments either. Currently, there are about 260 of with patients without a designated GP and this number is increasing.
KS - Felles journalløft til beste for pasient og innbygger 21.09.2022
"The GP crisis and lack of health personnel are only the beginning of challenges that no municipality can educate or recruit away from. We have to think new and differently. We must use technology to a greater extent than today to solve the tasks". "The work on "One citizen - One Journal" has been going on for over ten years. The Støre-government can become the government that actually realises the journal promise".
"There is no need for more studies - we must use what works".
NHS - Take Charge of Your Health Care 20.09.2022
In this article the NHS (National Health Service (UK)) discussed the importance of playing an active role in your own care and encourages people to keep track of their own health, know their family history, prepare for medical checkups and so forth.
But how do we expect from people to be prepared without giving them the proper tools to do so?
Finansavisen - Norge henger etter på helse-tech 19.09.2022
"The healthcare industry is Norway's most entrepreneur-intensive industry. The industry is growing globally by six percent annually. We need to renew the public sector. We can solve this by organising differently, introducing new business models and using technology where possible".
NRK - Tobias (56) sluttet som fastlege etter 20 år: Alltid noe som må gjøres14.09.2022
About the GP crisis and how the use of a tool, such as HealthB, can de-stress the GP's daily routine.
Aftenposten - Hvilken krise står vi i? 20.08.2022
Satirical article about the GP crisis. Demonstrates how the use of a tool, such as HealthB, would improve the GP's work environment.
Dagens Næringsliv - Norgesgruppen vil ri helsebølgen: Kjøper seg inn i Hjemmelegene 03.07.2022
This article shows how other sectors outside of the healthcare sector, such as the food industry, want to involve themselves in the booming market of healthcare and particularly in on-demand private healthcare services.
Helsedirektoratet - Digital hjemmeoppfølging 02.07.2021
The Norwegian Directorate of Health has created a webpage with current and future solutions where the patient can transfer health information to the municipality, the GP or the hospital. As can be seen from the overview, these solutions contain mostly disease-specific solutions and/or send health data directly to the healthcare provider without the patient being able to register their own information in addition, nor do they have the ability to administer what information they want to share and what not.
VG - Fullt på akuttmottaket på Ahus: En situasjon vi ikke ønsker å være i 23.06.2022
Discusses the GP shortage, chaotic work environment, ageing population and full emergency care units despite increased patient capacity.
VG - 2000 pasienter rammet av kommunal fastlegekollaps: En varslet krise 17.06.2022
The national GP crisis is affecting many patients nationwide. This article is mentioning already 2000 patients in Bergen. There are not enough GP's and this leads to overworked personnel with all its consequences. If all patients owned their health data, had understanding of their health information and could perform adequate self-care, this would relief the pressure on the healthcare system significantly.
Apple is heavily investing in health and medication tracking with the use of their devices.
Medium - Prevention-as-a-Service (PaaS): A business model that will fix healthcare 23.04.2022
Why preventive care is both cost-saving and generating more quality of life for the individual and the system.
"A platform dedicated to PaaS will empower citizens with health education & literacy, ensure inclusivity & health equity, and deliver convenience & community, all while leveraging behavioral economic models based on individualized health scores to incentivize each person’s health journey".